Zusu is a legendary "Nekosenshi" (猫戦士) – a mystical Japanese cat spirit with the wisdom to guide and protect. Once believed to bring luck to villagers in the Edo period, Zusu now navigates the digital realm, helping the crypto-curious explore the blockchain. With her lavender fur, Zusu is a symbol of trust, fortune, and adventure.
Retiring from protecting her villagers, Yuzu has found a new job in protecting crypto degens from losing their solami’s in mysterious rugs and farms. Through Zusu’s channeled power, she spots rugs quicker than any degen could, and relays them back straight to you.
Making it her mission to protect you, Zusu is launching its own rug and bundle checking bot on Telegram.
The good news: it’s free for holders!
The best news: it’s faster than any existing checking bots!